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Live A Mastery Life

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Your Daily Self-Awareness document is a tangible reminder to pause and take stock of the small yet impactful. The essence of the Daily Self-Assessment document is in its practical application and personalized approach to well-being. Implementing a daily practice using this tool emphasizes the importance of consistency, reinforcing that caring for oneself is not an occasional indulgence but a day-to-day responsibility.

Create a Self-Awareness Document (your checklist) for each day of the week, designating each day to an area(s) that moves you closer to mastering yourself. Areas such as:

  • Reminders of your triggers to help you become better aware so you navigate through quickly and with ease
  • Reminders of minor to major discrepancies preventing you from being the best version of YOU 
  • Awareness of bad habits that sabotage your best self and impact others
  • Mantras to enhance positive thought patterns encouraging you to be the best version of YOU
  • Reiteration of goals you’re working towards to keep them in the forefront consistently to achieve your desired outcome

At the end of this workshop, you will have a clear look at a sample daily document with the ability to create your own daily document(s) that will serve you and your schedule.

You will get a MP4 (528MB) file