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This 7 Day Reset Starts : *****APRIL 28TH 9AM EST ******

This 7 Day Reset Starts : *****APRIL 28TH 9AM EST ******


This is a 7 day course designed to keep you focused on manifesting a better SELF CONCEPT, clearing out resistance to your desires with EFT TAPPING, and understanding THE LAW OF ASSUMPTION

Why 7 Days?

The Subconscious Mind is running your life on auto pilot. Your daily habits and assumptions about your life are creating your reality. I created a 7 Day Mental Diet Reset to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind through daily lessons on THE LAW OF ASSUMPTION , REPETITION, ALIGNMENT, AND CONFIDENCE IN YOUR MANIFESTING POWER.

A minimum of 7 days is all you need to reset your life to manifest all your desires!

This Course is Included in Your SWEET SPOT MEMBERSHIP for free!

7 Day Mental Diet Reset : Go All In! ( EFT TAPPING INCLUDED)


Course curriculum

This 7 Day Course with be available to you day to day. All lessons will be revealed April 28th, 2024 9am Est . Please complete each day in order for maximum results!