PVQ-059 Lanterns digital quilt pattern
This is a downloadable pattern. You'll be able to download it as soon as your payment goes through.
Surround a ⅔ yd panel with borders, one with pieced blocks. You can make more or fewer blocks, arrange them as shown, or however you’d like. By rotating the pieced blocks one-quarter turn, you get a very different look. You could even use both rotations together, your choice!
You can separate the blocks with squares, or simply cut rectangles to the proper size, measurements are given.
I recommend Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Corner Beam® ruler and the Sliver Technique Sheet® to make the Lantern blocks, but templates are included. If you are using the templates, ¼ yard each of Fabrics 3 and 4 is sufficient.
The peacock version is Northcott's Allure collection.
The pink version is Northcott's Dragonfly Dreams collection.
You will receive 4 pdfs: 1 pages, 1 templates and 2 covers.
Skill level: intermediate