Have you ever felt as if you are never good enough? Do you feel like you will always be taken advantage of in life and that no one could ever love you? Do you think that happiness is for other people and that you are destined to live a life of misery and pain?
Each one of those questions displays a limiting belief. Beliefs are assumed truths that often have the power to act like invisible anchors, holding us back in life, preventing us from living life comfortable in our skin.
The good thing about limiting beliefs is that they CAN be uprooted, they can be released and replaced with positive more empowering beliefs. None of us could control the beliefs that toxic parents instilled within us, BUT we CAN control whether or not we choose to continue to allow those beliefs to stop us from becoming the best versions of ourselves.
These worksheets helped me to discover and destroy any limiting beliefs that were keeping my own happiness just out of reach. I truly hope they can help you as well.