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IF You Are Someone Who is NOT a Therapist ...

... but interested in becoming one, even if just for Family & Friends, PLEASE feel free to Get In Touch. We'll see what I can do to help YOU with all THAT! I've done really well with ...

Absolute Beginners with NO Experience!

I once had a Great Friend, DeWayne, from Minnesota, now passed on to His Next Life. He was primarily a "Common Law Counselor.” (That’s a chat for another time!)

Except for rubbing his wife's shoulders occasionally, he had NO experience with massage, bodywork, or yoga. Yet he drove all the way to Tallahassee, Florida to attend a three-day workshop I was teaching on DSL EdgeWork.

The Workshop was primarily attended by NMT Therapists who had been practicing for quite a while. I did NOT water anything down, excpet when he had a question, which was not often, I would answer it. And my teaching style is such that I break things down to Basics as much as possible anyway.

I like to use layperson’s language a lot because I think Therapists & Physicians forget that their Clients & Patients do not have the more technical jargon at hand. So the practitioners need to be reminded of what it takes to talk to a “normal” person and get your point across with minimal confusion or mystery.

So rather than talk about a “hyper-tense” muscle, I’ll say “tight” muscle! Instead of “herniated” disc, I’ll say “squished” disc.

Now, DeWayne was admittedly a Very Smart Man, and trusted me enough to follow my recommendations before trying to "improve on the product."

He went back home and a few days later he did one of my Signature 3-Hour, DSL Therapy Sessions (which I did almost exclusively for much of my Therapy Career) on a man, Michael, who was a High End Personal Trainer & High-Weight Bodybuilder. He was also an ex-Military Paratrooper and had a LOT of musculoskeletal injuries.

Michael was amazed at the Results. He said his muscles were so freed up from tensions & stress by DeWayne’s work, that his weight lifting limits went WAY UP immediately. He said my work could make training weights out of what used to be World Records!

Maybe he was exaggerating, but Michael was a very serious guy. But you probably get the idea somethig pretty remarkable happened, even though DeWayne had NO Experience except what he learned at my workshop!

“Weak" versus "Pseudo-Weak"

This proved to ME that a LOT of "pseudo-weakness" is really NOT a "fundamentally weak" muscle, but a muscle that was internally restricted by its own excessive and "stuck” tensions & stress.

And DeWayne & Michael were BOTH amazed they could get such results with Dwayne only have taken ONE 3-Day training program!

And they were NOT the Only Beginners who got such great results, either!

In the mid-1990s, when I was living in Buckhead, outside of Atlanta, Georgia, one of my Good Friends, Joe, flew in from Kansas with his son. They took my workshop there and did very well too.

Joe did have an advantage, though, because I had aleady provided some therapy for him, and he got a HUGE positive result in the Very First Session. No one else had been able to help him.

He came to my workshop mostly so he could provide therapy for his Family.