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all of the money earned from these resources will go to morgan!

TW: ab**e, s**ual ab**e, g***ighting and ass*ult

to learn more about morgan's situation, check out her instagram @seuldykon or our post about the resource pack made for her.

glitch overlays (dilfizm)


{ae project file} money cars - (teleyvision)


overlay pack (julietcapulct)


{ae project file} bad behavior-luna la (teleyvision)


{ae project file} rage-harley quinn (teleyvision)


preset pack (eunozoe)


overlay pack (evcngel)


{ae project file} i'm the best- timothée chalamet (dilfizm)


editing pack-(dilfizm)


ae cc pack - (softielizzies)


{ae project file} jealousy-keqing in a suit (trinaaep)


{ae project file} cameras-yelena belova (k9.ghxst)


{ae project file} karma-soobin (cuqidtae)


{ae project file} like-jungkook (cuqidtae)


resource pack for morgan
