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Lake Charles


A Big Dill


Nozy Cat 2 (Hope Jones Cozy Mystery Series)


Heirloom, Isabel & Alma Trumbo Cozy Mystery, Book 8


Vi's Ring, Isabel & Alma Trumbo Cozy Mystery Series, Book 7


Murder in a One-Hearse Town, Isabel & Alma Trumbo Cozy Mystery Series, Book 6


Nozy Cat 1


Troglodytes, P.I. Frank Johnson Mystery, Book 4


After the Big Noise, P.I. Frank Johnson Mystery, Book 6


The Dirt-Brown Derby, P.I. Frank Johnson Mystery, Book 2


Smoking on Mount Rushmore: 16 New & Selected Crime Short Stories


Wrong Orbits: A Suburban Crime Noir


The Zinc Zoo, P.I. Frank Johnson Mystery, Book 5


The Quetzal Motel: A Science Fiction Novel


Fur the Win, Piper & Bill Robins Cozy Mystery Series, Book 2


About Me

Ed Lynskey is a crime fiction author who lives and works near Washington, D.C. He writes several series, including three cozy mystery series and a male private eye series.