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Lullaby for a deep sleep - (A song of deep healing.)


Stage Fright - 12 Powerful Tools to help you Beat it


About Me

Barbara Lewis is a long-time performer and vocal coach. 

Click to purchase Barbara's best selling guide - "Stage Fright - 12 Powerful Tools to Help You Beat It!" 
Listen to and purchase Barbara's best-selling song about healing past sorrows: Lullaby for a Deep Sleep

For free singing video training, look here! Singing After Forty!

As a PERFORMER, Barbara Lewis sings powerful folk and pop songs that are both entertaining and highly emotional. With her wide-range, classically-trained voice, vulnerable stage presence and elegant storytelling ability, she is known as “a hugely gifted singer, a born communicator.”   
Please visit • View short concert video: Barbara In Performance!

Visit her web site that offers FREE instruction to students of singing: Singing Tips With Barbara Lewis!