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Count Your Blessings

Check out our ebook'LIFE'S BIG QUESTION: 50 Questions to Open Your Mind and See Things Differently',this ebook is a journey into self-discovery and personal growth. It offers 50 deep

questions designed to get you thinking about life in new ways. This e-book is meant to answer your many questions about life such as "who are we?" "how to survive life?" "How Can You Save Yourself?" "Does time heal all wounds?" , from how did it all begin to where is it leading. If you're curious to learn more, you can get the ebook now with a 50% discount! using the code ' Life50'.


When was the last time you appreciated being well? It might have been today, or yesterday, or last week, when you first got sick. Appreciate everything before it becomes a memory. We spend so much time wanting, pursuing, wishing. However, gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. If we never give thanks for the ordinary, we are likely to have little to be thankful for. If we do not feel grateful, we will never be satisfied. Gratitude can be both given and received at any time, at any place, and by anyone. But most people have never really practiced gratitude from their heartfelt core.

Remember that you can see, hear, talk and move....Did you say "Thank you"?

Consciously remembering that you can see, hear, talk, and move is a very quick and simple gratitude-provoking exercise. In a traditional homework assignment, it is advised that you write down everything you do each day. If you are about to eat breakfast, you might write, "I cooked my breakfast. I poured the juice. I turned on the toaster." You could easily do a similar exercise that focuses on the physical sensations. When you wake up, what is the feeling of the pillow under your head like? What magical process takes place that moves you from the state of sleep to wakefulness? What sounds spring into your consciousness as you slowly become aware of the world?

Remember what it is like to not have those sensations and the experience that people who are blind, deaf, mute, or paralyzed have. Contrasting the state of deprivation with your usual state is a powerful way to bring gratitude for these senses roaring into your awareness. If you're about to eat breakfast, say a prayer of thanks not only for the food you're about to eat but for all of your senses as well. Then, as you eat that first bite, savor the experience and reflect upon the miracle that allows you to experience life this way.

Why It's Important To Be Grateful

A central finding from research on gratitude is that it is positively associated with pleasant, positive emotions. Such feelings are one of gratitude's primary benefits. True enough; the feeling of gratitude is both pleasant and spreading. Think about the last time you felt grateful. It flooded your heart, touched every part of your body, and put a sparkle in your eyes. It is impossible not to feel fulfilled and happy when you have just received a good gift or beneficial act.

But is this just a more pleasant experience a real change? Doesn't the same happiness dip in the days that follow? It turns out that this surprise happiness really is something permanent and sustaining. Some researchers have found that even as we submerge back into our usual routine, our level of happiness is slightly enhanced, perhaps because that little brush with gratitude changes the way we handle the stress of modern life. In addition, when you are filled with feelings of gratitude, or when you are very focused on the things you are grateful for, you may be less likely to be materialistic or to want to compare yourself with others.

How Gratitude Improves Your Life

There can be life-altering power in saying thank you. 

Practicing giving thanks allows you to rise above the people who take everything for granted, the people who believe they are owed a dinner, not the wonder of a tasty meal; who believe they are owed a job and see it as a burden rather than an adventure. It reminds us of what we really value and enjoy about life. Gratitude is the act of looking inside yourself and realizing that, without the things you often take for granted, you might not be alive.

Living a life of gratitude is like looking at life and experiencing it from inside a light-filled kaleidoscope. It has the power to transform everything: life’s joys and sorrows, and even extend your life and help heal your body, in addition to brightening your mind. Researchers have discovered that keeping a regular gratitude journal results in exercising more regularly, gets people playing with children more, leads people to be more optimistic about the upcoming week, offers better progress towards their goals, results in fewer physical symptoms, and leads to higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness, energy, and sleep duration.

Ways To Practice Gratitude Daily

We all have the capacity to feel gratitude, but sometimes we just forget. It's easy to get caught up in our day and forget to count our blessings. Here are a few suggestions on how to weave gratitude into your life on a regular basis.

  • Use visual cues to remind yourself to be grateful, such as notes on the bathroom mirror or a charm carried in a pocket.

  • Single out one or two people each week and write a note of gratitude to those people. The act of expressing gratitude itself can have great benefits.

  • Try to start each meal by sharing something that you are grateful for. Whether you are sharing a meal with others or you are enjoying it alone, this practice can have a profound impact on the rest of your day.

  • At set times during the day or when you are caught up in the moment, remind yourself of a few things that you are grateful for. Some people find it helpful to write something down on a sticky note and carry it around with them as a reminder.

Final Thought

If you currently don't practice being grateful, giving thanks, counting your blessings, it’s likely you find yourself, even from time to time, unappreciative and dissatisfied. Practicing gratitude really is the way we remind ourselves of who we are. It’s not just essential – it is our true nature to be aware of the richness of the thoughts and the energy that flows eternally into us and back out from us, and doing so is all gratitude requires. Being grateful becomes who you are, until such time when gratitude defines you. At the same time, we know that the more we are grateful, whether we use the word 'grateful' or something else, the more we will see and feel that we have things to be grateful for.

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