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No BS action plan on how to achieve goals


At first glance, the idea of setting goals might seem a little silly. After all, how hard is it to make a list of things you want to accomplish? I mean, we all do that at least once a year—if not more often! But when it comes down to doing what needs to be done in order for those goals to come true, many people find themselves struggling with procrastination or simply giving up altogether. It's easy enough to make grandiose statements about what you want out of life and then fall back on excuses when you don't see those dreams come true; but if you're serious about achieving your wildest dreams, then there are some concrete steps that can help get them started:

Step 1: Make a list of your goals.

woman writing in a diary

This is the most important step in the process. You need to take a moment and make a list of all your goals, then divide them into sections such as social goals, spiritual goals work goals, financial goals and physical goals.

I know that sounds like a lot of work but trust me it will be well worth it in the end. The reason you want to do this is that as you progress through each goal making sure they are all covered will help keep you on track. This will allow for any unforeseen situations that may occur during your journey with no BS action plan on how to achieve goals

Step 2: Prioritize your goals.

The second step to achieving your goals is prioritizing them. This is where you decide which goals are most important and when you want to achieve them.

●    Prioritize by importance, not difficulty

Set aside any personal bias and try to keep a level head when deciding which of your goals are most important. If you're having trouble with this part, ask someone who knows you well (a family member or friend) for advice on how they would prioritize the different areas of improvement in your life that have been identified in Step 1.

●    Prioritize by timeframe

Think about how long it will take before each goal can be achieved and whether it's worth spending time on now or later. For example, if one of your main priorities is learning how to code but it will take years before that's possible, chances are there are other more urgent things going on in life that need attention first—such as getting good at cooking or cleaning up after yourself without being reminded every few minutes by others! This isn't an excuse not do anything though; just acknowledge where there might be better uses for some limited resources like time/energy instead before doing something less productive instead (like watching TV all day).

Prioritize by cost Next, determine which goals will require a significant amount of money to achieve. This could include anything from buying new clothes, equipment or software to paying for extra training courses outside regular school hours if you're in education. It can also be worthwhile considering whether there are cheaper alternatives available (such as using second-hand goods). For example, if one goal was "to get fit", then going gym membership may work out cheaper than buying expensive workout equipment at home.

Finally, work out whether achieving each goal will provide you with many benefits. For instance, "to get fit" might have the added bonus of helping other people be healthier too; whereas most goals won't offer this extra benefit—for example, it's unlikely that "to learn guitar" would do anything for others besides yourself!

Step 3: Set a time frame for achieving your goals.

The third step in achieving your goal is to set a time frame. This depends on the plan itself—a short-term goal may only need a few weeks, while a long-term goal may require months or even years. The important part is that you set aside enough time to achieve it and then follow through!

There are so many options for setting goals. Still, we recommend setting up three different lists: one for short-term goals (things you want to do within six months or less), another for medium-term goals (things you want to do within one year), and finally one for long-term goals (anything beyond one year). You can also use this handy calendar template to help keep track of everything!

Once you've written down all the things you want accomplished this year, give each entry its own category in Google Calendar so that they're easy to find when necessary. If yours isn't already synced with Google Calendar (or some other calendar software), this is an excellent way of staying on track with what needs doing next month or even years from now!

Step 4: Make a vision board for goals

Write down your goals. Writing down your goals makes them more concrete and actionable, which can help give you the motivation to take steps toward achieving them. It also allows you to see if there are any gaps in your plan for how to achieve those goals.

Write down your goals in a way that you can see them every day for at least a week. Seeing them every day will help keep them fresh in mind as well as remind you of their importance, making it more likely that they’ll become part of who you are and what motivates you. As an added bonus, seeing something written out helps create neural pathways in our brains that reinforce learning—it becomes easier for us to recall information later because there is already a path laid out by which new information can travel along (this is called neuroplasticity).

Consider creating a vision board with all sections of your goal represented: purpose/vision statement; specific goals; tasks required; outcomes expected from each task/each outcome; resources needed; steps taken so far towards reaching these milestones (to keep track of progress); obstacles encountered during this process thus far and how they have been overcome (to maintain perspective). Consider using one color per section on the vision board so it is easy for anyone viewing it at any time during their journey towards achieving their goal(s) so they know exactly where they need to level up next based on where they left off last time before moving onto an entirely new area within their life or career."

Step 5: Avoid all distractions and interruptions

●    Avoid all distractions and interruptions.

It’s easy to get distracted by your social media, or even your coworkers who love to chat during lunchtime. But these interruptions can really throw a wrench in your productivity, not to mention make you feel like you're running around in circles without getting anywhere. To avoid this feeling of being stuck, set up a schedule for checking in with your social media accounts so that you aren't scrolling mindlessly (and wasting time) every ten minutes. It's also important for me personally to set aside at least one day per week without any meetings scheduled so I can focus on my priorities without interruption from other people or things that need my attention.

Step 6: Break down each goal into smaller aims or steps.

It’s always a good idea to break down your goals into smaller aims or steps. There are a few different ways of doing this, but I like to think about breaking down my goals into smaller targets and milestones. The first step is identifying what you want to achieve and why, then creating actionable steps for each goal that will help you get there.

For example: My goal is to lose 10 pounds by September 30th. The next step is asking myself what needs to happen in between now and then? So let’s say I want to get back into running every morning before work because it makes me feel great! But I haven't been doing it lately because of busy schedules and life getting in the one achievable target might be "I will run 3 miles every morning at 6am starting Monday." Or if I'm more ambitious (and able) maybe even 5 miles!

And another thing - don't forget accountability partners! Make sure they know what your goals are too so they can help hold yourself accountable along with them :)

The point is, don't let your goals overwhelm you! Take them one at a time and keep taking steps towards success. You can do it!

Step 7: Track your progress and adjust as necessary.

The last step is to track your progress and make adjustments as needed. You should be celebrating any small victories, but don’t get discouraged if you aren’t making the progress you want. Don’t compare yourself to others or be too hard on yourself, but also don't let any setbacks derail your efforts!

Remember, this is a process; there will always be ups and downs. If something doesn't work out exactly as planned, change it up!

Ultimately, we all want to achieve goals in our lives. Whether it’s a career milestone or personal accomplishment—it’s important to know how get started and where we stand.

Goals take time and hard work to be realized fully, but if you plan them well, they'll be more likely to succeed.

Goals take time and hard work to be realized fully, but if you plan them well, they'll be more likely to succeed.

Planning goals is important because it helps you figure out what steps are required to accomplish your objective and how long each step will take. It also helps you visualize the end result so that when you're struggling through a difficult task or need a boost of motivation, it's right there in front of your face as proof that progress is being made.


This is an exciting time to be setting goals, because now you have all the tools at your disposal! No more excuses. With these seven steps in mind, you can start making moves toward big dreams and life-changing goals right away. Keep track of where you're at, stay on track with your plans, and don't be afraid to adjust as needed along the way—and remember that even if things don't work out perfectly every time around (because they won't), this process will always end up teaching us something valuable about ourselves so long as we keep trying new ways until we find one that works best for us personally."