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How to: Jeny's surprisingly stretchy bind-off
Whenever I need a stretchy bind-off I always turn to Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off. It looks great and keeps its shape well, making it the perfect finish for lace shawls, sock cuffs or the hem of a top-down jumper. What makes this binding so ...
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How to: Judy's magic cast-on
Judy’s Magic cast-on is my go-to whenever I’m knitting toe-up socks so I thought I would create a tutorial that would sit nicely alongside my other favourite techniques here on the blog. I find that I’m not always able to sit and watch a vi...
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How to: Kitchener Stitch
A seamless finish can make your socks look and feel great, but a lot of knitters are put off projects that involve this technique as it looks incredibly complicated. But never fear, as with most things it’s not as bad as it looks, and once you get go...
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Su Sayer

Illustrator and writer who loves play and colour.

Join me on a fun filled creative journey and rediscover your inner child.