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Starting 12/22/2022 - All courses have been moved to These physical products will be moved over to starting 1/2023.

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What People Are Saying:

Also thank you, I tried the anointing oil and lets say I feel all tingly so thank you for the love and energy!

— Alan T.

"The Dominate Your Pussy, Dominate Your Life has been life changing for me. I am implementing everything that you said and am seeing results already. Thank you for your wisdom."

— Veronica J.

"Sex and Money Techniques - Pricy but worth it. This is stuff my mother should have taught me about money, I'd be rich by now."

— Sofia A.

Thank you for the oil! I know it’s not one of those cheap oils so it’s a big deal to me that you’d give me a product of this value " excited to use it.

— Majestyy D.

Blog Posts

Opening the Roads to Your Desires- A Woman's Responsibility
Women have many responsibilities but the biggest one she has she often ignores: The responsibility to herself. The responsibility to open the roads to her dreams and desires. Most women ignore that responsibility both accidentally and on purpose. The...
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Why Men Cheat - Part 1 - You Are Poor!
I know this is going to ruffle some feathers because the truth hurts but to many of y'all women really need to understand the men that you desire so badly. As a woman with many brothers, who used to be a tomboy and has professional experience as a do...
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The Two Types of Mistresses
I've said it before: Being a mistress is a calling. Choosing to be the mistress, aka "side chick" and get all the benefits that come with being a purposeful side chick aka "mistress" is a calling. It is not for everyone. The women who choose to be si...
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Patience is an Impediment to Your Wealth
Christians, especially Black Christians have been disrespected with the training that, "What is meant for me will always be meant!" They have been trained with the disrespect to wait patiently in a way that other races do not wait, and it is that pat...
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Forgiveness is Fucking Up Your Wealth
Folks are taught to believe that forgiving folks is good karma for your life. As one who does not believe in forgiveness, I'm here to tell you that this is a lie from the pits of hell. Forgiveness fucks up your womb. Forgiveness fucks up your mo...
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FUCK Being a Good Girl
One of the biggest hinderances to most women's ability to manifest from their wombs is the church. It is this ridiculousness that money is the root of all evil, when in fact poverty is the root of all evil. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is the root of al...
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Money and Race
So today on one of my other social media pages a light skinned black woman got upset with me because I made the statement that white people are winning and that black folks can learn something from them. She got so triggered by that statement that sh...
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About Us

Welcome to the Bruja Luxury Boutique. This is a sexually empowering boutique. This is for the inner freak as well as the outer one. This is for the "good girl" and the "bad."

Products for yourself, products for others. These are for everyone.