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Big Micro Business Discussions

A Pizzeria Owner & The E-commerce Marketplace That Increased Revenue by 20% in 7 Days
“I learned how to run this business from the previous owner before they retired. Their process worked for them, so it should work for me.” states the pizza shop owner. The shop, which caters to a school directly across the street, started noticing s...
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How To Position Yourself For a Lucrative Spring
Quarter 2 (Q2) is almost here, which means Spring has arrived! It's the season of refresh and awakening, precisely what your messages should convey when introducing your business and ideals to potential customers.You can utilize any medium to share y...
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Why Press Releases Still Work For Smaller Businesses
Digital footprints are crucial. From day one, your journey can swiftly unfold into a decade, and leaving digital evidence along the way marks your growth and longevity. This can attract future investors, stakeholders, and funders, instill confidence ...
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Reviews Should Be Priority
It's human nature to dismiss something if others have not experienced it yet. Reviews are as old as time and double down on importance when building a business with no supporters yet. If you do not have public or private reviews, it's the best place ...
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Dump Being Viral: Start Thinking Community With Threads
If you are familiar with Twitter or similar platforms, then you already know how to use Threads. This platform has allowed many businesses to showcase their personality and expertise.While this is something that could be accomplished with Instagram, ...
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The Hack To Faster Sales Even In A Consumer Recession
This is a hill I am willing to die on any day at any hour. I have talked about E-commerce platforms in ways to give you ways to automate sales. It is also the first place I went (would still go to and am currently on) to make sales in 3-21 days.E-com...
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The Billion Dollar Small Business


Pink Neon Retro Instagram Post Bundle Done For You | Perfect for Fashion Boutiques and Personal Brands


Black and Green Instagram Post Bundle Done For You | Perfect for Fashion Boutiques and Personal Brands


Your First 5-figures Using E-commerce Marketplaces (Checklist)


The Big Micro Obsession initiative "Living Marketing Documents" Book 1

Brand Product Discovery (Section 1 of 4)

The Big Micro Obsession Initiative: Living Marketing Documents

The Big Micro Obsession Initiative

ChatGPT Press Release Prompt


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