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A "What's Happening in 2024" Writing Update

Hello, There!

It's that time of year when I try to guess at what I'll be up to over the next twelve months. Sometimes I actually nail these goals and plans, and other times, well... it proves why I never opted for a career as a psychic.

For the most part, 2024 will be The Year of the Cassie. In December, I wrapped up the first draft of the three books in the new trilogy of Cassie's misadventures (and wrapped them up a week early -- hoorah!).

I've started the read-through of that monstrous draft (about 200,000 words -- egad!). It's slow work, but hopefully all the notes I'm making about what to fix, what to add, and what to move will produce a really solid second draft.

As I mentioned a million times, I'm working on all three books at once to make sure the story plays out correctly. This does slow things down, but my hope/aim/pipe dream is that I will have the entire trilogy complete by October.

I've no release dates planned yet, which is super strange for me since I generally always have something ready for pre-order as I'm working on my next book. But maybe, just maybe (don't hold me to this), I might have the first of the books ready for you by late spring.

As for the other two releases, I'd like to get the second book to you by October, but I'll be avoiding any releases in late fall because I imagine November (and possibly December) will be a hot mess of political horror here in the US.

Again, these dates are still a bit wobbly.

(sorry, the GIF wouldn't load for this one, so we'll just have to do this the old school way)

The trouble with all of this is that I need to stay focussed on wrangling these Cassie drafts. But when you've got an attention-seeking dragon constantly tapping your shoulder, that's not easy to do.

Plus, according to the Chinese calendar, it's the Year of the Dragon, which Duncan is absolutely reveling in.

He's also been whispering a wonderfully silly story set-up for a fifth book in the Circus of Unusual Creatures series (let's just say Fergus gets himself horn-deep in relationship trouble).

Now, while Duncan may get some of that attention he craves this year, I am firmly slamming the door in the face of the Muse of Other Stories who wants me to write a full-length novel about Mrs Morris and Mort, along with a few other novel ideas she keeps dribbling into my head.

Muses can be so pesky.

So, to sum up what to definitely maybe expect from me in 2024....

  • At least two books in the new Cassie Black Trilogy (depending on timing and above-mentioned hot mess, the third book might have to wait until 2025).
  • Possibly a fifth Duncan book, and if not, likely one early in 2025.
  • Hopefully, a short story or three.
  • An office door with that pesky muse's face print in it.

As last year proved, life can sometimes get in the way of book plans, but I'll keep you up-to-date with more concrete release plans, cover reveals, sample chapters, and more as the year chugs along.

Thanks so much for your patience with my slow and plodding writerly ways : )


Need to Catch Up with Cassie?

The Undead Mr Tenpenny

The Uncanny Raven Winston

The Untangled Cassie Black

Available in ebook, paperback, and hardback formats. Or just ask your local library to grab a copy or ten : )



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