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And the Top Book Scoundrel Award goes go....

Hello There!

And a huge THANK YOU to everyone who made the launch day for Beast or Famine my best book release day ever!

Well, sort of.

Really, other than your much appreciated purchases and reviews, the best part of launch day was cleaning out the guinea pig cage.

The good news were the number of orders and pre-orders. I mean, I won't be buying any yachts any time soon, but it was enough orders that I should have climbed pretty high up the ranks on the Big A store (which is helpful because then browsers see the book).

Unfortunately, The Big A decided NOT to put Beast into any of the categories I'd selected, meaning it was just lumped into a very generic, very needle-in-a-haystack category.


But it wasn't just the Big A not playing nicely, because when it rains it pours, right? And then your umbrella breaks, and then a delivery truck splashes you with a garbage-strewn puddle.

See, my paperback publisher also got in on the Torment Tammie Game and decided to have issues with their entire production and distribution process. This still-being-sorted issue is affecting everyone with this publisher, not just me... misery loves company and all that, right?

But in an effort to steal the Book Scoundrel prize, Apple Books also threw their beret into the ring.

Remember how last month I told you Apple had picked Beast to be in a big New Books Extravaganza? Well, they forgot to add my book into the event. I checked, the promo organizer checked, and everything had been submitted correctly, Apple simply dropped the programming ball.

(The one thing that did keep me sane through all this was knowing I'd done nothing wrong on my end...for once.)

So, top prize to Apple? To the paperback people? To the Big A?

With such tight competition for the Biggest Book Scoundrel Award, it's a tough call, but I think this GIF sums it up nicely...


Okay, how about some good bookish news?

It's not Free Omelets, but...

Duncan might complain that the free offer in the following news doesn't include a single omelet (not even an egg!), but if you've been waiting to start the Circus of Unusual Creatures series, November might be a good time to stock up.

See, the lovely folks are Kobo are having a Buy One Get One Free sale and they've been wonderful enough to include, not just one or two, but ALL four of Duncan's "hilarious" tales in the month-long event.

I know! A quadruple dose of a dragon stumbling his way through murder and mishaps for basically half the price? Hard to resist, right? 

But Wait, There's More...

That's not the only affordable bookish fun happening this month. There's also a 99c spectacular on The Great Escape: 15 Tales of Humor, Myth, and Magic going on most of the month at most retailers.

Ready for the book bargains? Here's the links you might need/want...

(Note: The Kobo links are for the US store, but the BOGO Sale is also going on at the Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and UK stores (just replace the US in the link with AU, CA, NZ, or GB, depending on where you are.)

Happy book shopping!!!



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