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Break Out That Regimental Sword...

...because I'm about to do some dubbing. Which kind of sounds like a new dance move I would be terrible at and probably somehow injure myself trying to do.

Over the past several weeks, I've been hammering away at the third (third? yes, we'll call it the third) draft of the fourth book in The Cassie Black Trilogy, which we're also calling the first book in the new Cassie Black Trilogy, which is all getting very confusing and at risk of turning into a math problem any minute now.

Anywayyyy, I'm well overdue for giving these books some titles.

But before we get to the "I dub thee" ceremony, back to that draft.

I dub thee sir racha 

Hmmm.... maybe not?? Image "borrowed" from

This is the Big Draft, the one that involves the most revision, nails down (hopefully) all the tricky plot points, and also takes the longest, because I also read over the previous day's chapters. Which means I kind of sort of sneak in a fourth draft while doing the third draft. 

Oh no, we're getting near that math territory again, so let me just say...

I'm feeling pretty good about how the book is coming along, and I'm finally confident I'll get it into your eager little hands some time before the turn of the next millennium.

Now, about those titles... Hold on, let me get my regimental sword.

Image stolen from

This was a real brain teaser. I wanted to stick with the "Un--" thing I had going on in the first trilogy, so I got out the dictionary and made a list of at least 100 un- words.

I also wanted to stick with the two name thing I had in the first books (Mr Tenpenny, Raven Winston, etc).

So, while waiting for Mr Husband to get an MRI, I cobbled together the most appropriate un-words and some character names, and here's what I came up with...

  • The Unusual Mayor Marheart (book 4)
  • The Unbearable Inspector Oberlin (book 5)
  • The Unexpected Mr Hopkins (book 6)

These might change ever so slightly, depending on the whims of the writing gods, but I think I'm mostly happy with them.

Now, as for release dates... here's the plan so far...

  • Book 4 - July
  • Book 5 - September
  • Book 6 - December

Again, this is subject to change, and I would REALLY like to tighten up this release schedule because, as I've mentioned before, I'd like to get all three books out before the god awful-ness of the US voting fiasco in November, but best laid plans and all that.

I've also been working on covers... which got far more complicated than I expected, so I could really use your help (stayed tuned next week for that horror show)

But in addition to titles, release dates, and cover quandaries, I also have another sample chapter for you! 

So, if you're ready for a quick bit of reading, that link below will take you to the opening chapter from The Unusual Mayor Marheart (and if you missed the earlier mayhem-filled sample from the book, you'll find that chapter there as well).

Ooh, Samples! Yummy!!


What have you been up to this past week? Any big planning sessions? Any comments on the new titles, the sample chapters, or those release dates? I'd love to hear your thoughts, so be sure to share them (as long as they aren't too mean).

Have a great week, everyone!



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Haven't started the Cassie Black Trilogy? 

Then be sure to grab your copy of The Undead Mr Tenpenny today and let the snort-laughs begin!