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About Me

Hi! I'm Kelley Amstutz, The Genealogy Investigator. I've been researching genealogy for over 20 years and as you can image... over that span of time I have created documents, worksheets, printables, and even eBooks to help keep my genealogy research on track.

Lucky for you, I am finally ready to SHARE!

I have several products, including my all-inclusive, certificate courses, The Genealogy Academy and The DNA and Genetic Genealogy Academy.

I also have a Blog over on my website: The Genealogy Investigator as well as my Genealogy Services, which you can schedule a FREE consultation via ZOOM and we can go over your project and develop a plan of execution.

And, don't forget to tune in to my PODCAST, Crime Travel in Toledo, Ohio where I highlight true crime cases from the 19th and 20th century in Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding area.

Welcome to my CIRCLE!

What people are saying

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Thank you for The Genealogy Academy course. It covered a lot more ground and made me feel well informed about what I needed to know to start my career as a Professional Genealogist. I am going through the course for a second time because there is so many great resources and so much valuable information I wanted to make sure I was using it all the best of my ability. This course saved me thousands of dollars and allowed me to get my business up and running.

— Vanessa N.

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I purchased the Probate Records research guide and take it everywhere with me when I am researching. It has come in handy countless times and I have been able to locate so many more Probate and Land Records than I had before I grabbed my guide. I recommend the printable to all my genealogy friends. I have even purchased the eBook, Citing Sources because I know that Kelley is giving me the meat and potatoes to take action. Highly Recommend!

— Kaley J.

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I came across The Genealogy Investigator's profile on Instagram and followed the link to check out The Brickwall Roadmap. It was affordable and I had been struggling with a few brickwalls and rolled the dice.

I am SO glad I did. The Brickwall Roadmap is easy to follow and reminds me of a mind-map to help get through even the toughest brick wall. I have been back to grab ALL of the printables by The Genealogy Investigator, as well as purchasing both The Genealogy Academy, which I can't stop raving about AND the DNA and Genetic Genealogy Academy which was so INDEPTH that I actually worked one-on-one with Kelley (The Genealogy Investigator) to make sure I was understanding the ins and outs to specialize my newly established Genealogy Business. This girl here is ON FIRE and I not only recommend her products BUT I love her approach. She is now a trusted friend and colleague.

— Kelly K.

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