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DNA & Genetic Genealogy Academy

with Kelley Amstutz, The Genealogy Investigator

Experience Level:

Beginner to Intermediate


No prior DNA knowledge is required. Basic skills in traditional document-based genealogy research is beneficial.

If you are looking to brush up on your traditional genealogy skills, please check out COURSE 1: The Genealogy Academy.

In this comprehensive genetic genealogy course you will learn many techniques for organizing and using your research, introducing you to the tried-and-true methods, and tools, while giving you the key skills and confidence to find biological relatives and jump over brick walls!

Instructor : Kelley Amstutz, The Genealogy Investigator

I am a Professional Genealogist with over 20+ years of experience. I live in Oregon, Ohio and I love figuring out HOW everyone in a family fits together in the jig-saw puzzle of life!

I started my Genealogy Journey when I was young, always questioning where my family came from and who my ancestors were.

The rabbit hole really started when I researched my Grandfather's family, trying to track down Julianna Csercse and Dionise Prodan and figure out their origins.

But, my roots run deep, having Romanian Gypsy, Scottish, Irish, French and English and, still undetermined... but a lot of lore around Native American ethnicity.

The Genealogy Industry can be cut-throat... my #1 GOAL is to EDUCATE and BUILD a community of like-minded people who BUILD one another UP ... not tear each other down.

I created my series to help others, like me, who want to help people KNOW who they are and where they came from but without the steep certification process or the payments, to boot.

My series ALL leave the fluff to the side- I give you EVERYTHING you NEED to SUCCEED at an affordable price. I don't compromise content for cost... I do this because I LOVE IT and LOVE educating others.

I specialize in Personalized Research Reports, Family Trees/Charts, and DNA Analysis.

Still have questions, email me and let's chat:

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DNA & Genetic Genealogy Academy


Course curriculum

Are you ready to LEVEL UP your DNA Skills?

I will help you unlock your potential in the field of genetic genealogy research.

It doesn't matter if you are looking to overcome a research brick wall or if you want to become a DNA research professional, this COURSE will help!

Learn to use ALL the relevant tools, practice the methodologies and learn alongside a professional each step of the way.

  • 29 learning modules
  • Over 100 lessons/chapters
  • Over 1,400 hours spent writing this course, researching and learning design
  • Over 20 handouts/ guides/ worksheets
  • Over 20 skills practice applications
  • Expert Q&A answers to all your questions through the coursework
  • Seats are limited to ensure you get my undivided attention while attending the DNA & Genetic Genealogy Academy

Begin Your Genetic Genealogy Journey

When you register today, you're securing your seat in the UPCOMING course.

Seats are LIMITED so CLAIM YOUR SPOT before it's TOO LATE!

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DNA & Genetic Genealogy Academy
