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Are you ready to start your Genealogy Business?

Have you been doing genealogy research as a Hobby and ready to jump into a rewarding career?

Are you looking for a way to "retire" from your 9-5 to be more PRESENT ... and you love dabbling in Genealogy?

Or maybe you feel exactly what I felt for so long before I went all in - that longing that you were supposed to be more... do more... and help others...

Or maybe you're already a stay-at-home Mom and are looking for a side-hustle?

Well... I'm here to tell you that THE GENEALOGY ACADEMY is EXACTLY what you have been waiting for!

Your Professional Genealogy Business is Only a Few Courses Away...

It's time to take your genealogy hobby to the NEXT LEVEL!

I am here to show you everything you need to know to get your Genealogy Business up and running, the RIGHT way and start getting clients NOW with my 6-week Full Comprehensive course, THE GENEALOGY ACADEMY!

Grab Your Seat Now

Start Your Genealogy Business with The Genealogy Academy at this SPECIAL price!


The Genealogy Academy

Imagine having a rewarding career that lets you get paid to research family histories, helping people discover their own family history and finding long-lost relatives.


If you enjoy tracking down historical evidence, you could have a rewarding career as a genealogist, like I do!

Interest in the genealogy world is increasing rapidly, as everyone from celebrities to your neighbors want to learn more about where they come from.

Although a growing number of websites are dedicated to family history research, many amateur family historians soon realize that they need to services of a Professional Genealogist to help them in their hunt to finding their family's roots.

As a genealogist, you'll be a history detective, solving age-old mysteries, reconnecting people to their families' pasts, and offering valuable services.

You might even uncover new facts about famous - or infamous - historical figures and achieve recognition by becoming a consultant to film and television productions, writing books or giving talks about your research.

Learning Objectives:

You will learn A-Z about everything from What a Genealogist does... to How to start a business.

Session 1: Intro

Session 2: What Does a Genealogist Do?

Session 3: Let's Get Started

Session 4: It's All About Business

Session 5: How to Get Clients

You will have everything you need in your toolbox when you have completed this course to get out there and ignite your genealogy passion, helping clients uncover their family stories, piece by piece.

Why Take The Genealogy Academy?

You can benefit from the Genealogy Academy by having EVERYTHING you need to start your genealogy business on the right foot. At the end of the course, you are even able to obtain a Certificate!

Why Get a Certificate?

A certificate from The Genealogy Academy may give you:

  • A sense of achievement and confidence
  • A credential for your resume when applying for jobs
  • Assurance to clients of your professionalism
  • Respect as a professional
  • A competitive advantage when marketing your services
  • Evidence of your expertise
  • Higher earnings (according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in Certificates: A fast track to careers)

With The Genealogy Academy, you can earn a certificate online more quickly and affordably then many other educational options for Genealogy without sacrificing education content.

My Students LOVE The Genealogy Academy... see what some THINK about the system:

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The Genealogy Academy was one of the best systems I have taken online. Kelley really packed it full of digestible content and all the worksheets and guides really brought it home for me. She is a thorough teacher, upbeat in her delivery and I loved how the content is accessible to download and review any time I need to refresh. I was stuck in a dead-end job and took The Genealogy Academy on a whim. I am getting ready to launch my genealogy business and feel like I have everything I need to be successful. I highly recommend this course and even made a great friend in Kelley, which I idolize!

— Sherri M.

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I recently signed up and completed Kel Amstutz's course, entitled Hobby to Professional Genealogist. I have been doing genealogy for about 10 years now, but have decided to level up my skills and become a Professional Genealogist full time. Like Kel, genealogy is my passion!

Honestly, I was hesitant about signing up for her course at first. I've never seen something on Instagram, and thought, "Wow, I need to do this!" However, I am really glad I enrolled and went through her course.

Kel is an amazing instructor. She had a very well thought out and detailed curriculum. This is not a "fluff" course. Kel is thorough, concise and can verbalize effectively her own strategies that she had used with success and wants to share with others. She does not "talk over your head." She is very relatable, friendly, and her enthusiasm is contagious! She provided terrific resources, strategies, and handouts.

I have been self employed for decades, and I easily recognized the amount of time, thought and energy Kel put into creating this course for people of all levels of genealogy research. I most appreciated the fact that Kel truly made herself available to answer all my questions as they came up during the course in a timely manner. So, take the course! It is worth every penny and much more. My experience with Kel and her course was so positive that I already told her to sign me up for the next one!

— Cheryl B.

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Thank you for The Genealogy Academy course. It covered a lot more ground and made me feel well informed about what I actually needed to know in order to start my career as a Professional Genealogist. I am going through the course for a second time because there are so many great resources and so much valuable information that I wanted to make sure I was using it all to the best of my ability. This course saved me thousands of dollars and also allowed me to get my business up and running. Kelley was attentive and reached out to me to make sure I was getting everything from the course. That stands out and is not something I have experienced in any other courses I have taken. She didn't just write a great course, she follows through and connects.

— Vanessa N.

Don't Hesitate... SIGN UP now and Get Started!

Start Your Genealogy Business with The Genealogy Academy at this SPECIAL price!


Are you READY to Level Up Your Genealogy Skills?

I will help you unlock your potential in the field of genealogy research. Whether you're trying to overcome a research brick-wall or want to become a Genealogy Research Professional, this course will help.

Learn to use ALL the relevant tools, practice methodologies and learn alongside Professional Genealogist, Kelley Amstutz, The Genealogy Investigator, each step of the way!

The Genealogy Academy course has been developed to meet high academic standards, ensuring those who complete the coursework can display, with pride, the Genealogy Academy Certificate.

Through this course, you will learn how to level up your Genealogy Hobby to build a Professional Genealogy Business, the right way!

Have QUESTIONS? Email Kelley directly at:

The Genealogy Academy Curriculum

About Kelley Amstutz, The Genealogy Investigator (Instructor)

Hello & Welcome!

I'm Kelley Amstutz and I will be your instructor over the next 6-weeks.

I have been working as a Genealogist, in some capacity, for over 24 years and turned my HOBBY into a PROFESSIONAL GENEALOGY BUSINESS.

I saw a need to offer a comprehensive course that allowed others, like myself, to be able to transition their genealogy research and passion into a money-making professional business.


I have used everything in this course, personally, within my own professional genealogy business.

No fluff here.

So, buckle up because I am leaving no rock undone. I have every session chalked full of valuable information and insight to help you truly "level-up" your genealogy passion and create the business (& life) of your dreams.

Enough chit-chat... let's DIG IN!

We have a ton to learn and I am so excited I just can't wait!

What are you WAITING for? Grab a seat in class NOW before its FULL!

Start Your Genealogy Business with The Genealogy Academy at this SPECIAL price!


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