Here are the 17 best quotes explaining what sociology is.If you go to an academic website or your .edu site, they would define sociology as the qualitative and quantitative study of society.And they would be right.However, there’s much more to sociol...
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Here are the most confusing word pairs everyone has trouble with.Words are confusing.Some have the same sound but are spelled differently, all the while having completely different definitions.And this has messed up a lot of people’s writing and conv...
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Are you looking for ways to improve your studying? Here are 10 study hacks that will jack up the way you learn (and thus how you prepare for exams).You have an exam coming up.You’re pretty nervous about it because it’s worth 50 percent of your overal...
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The Cornell Notetaking System is a great productivity method that will shave down your study time and help you study more effectively.Do you have a notetaking system? It’s something that’s not only crucial to your success in school but will also cut...
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The Feynman Technique is a learning technique created by award-winning physicist Richard Feynman. It teaches students how to break down complex concepts.Have you ever been puzzled by a concept (or entire course) in school? I certainly have and the fe...
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Want to remember your notes better for an upcoming exam? Try using active recall.Have you noticed that you just can’t seem to remember information after a while?You would read something from a textbook, write down the important stuff, re-read it, and...
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Here is a study guide for “How does globalization affect identity?” This is a topic for a chapter in the Alberta grade 10 social studies curriculum.How does globalization affect identity?This was a question one of my students asked me during one of o...
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