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LEGEND OF THE LAST VIKINGS - A Viking Epic from Norway to China and back

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FINALIST - The ForeWord Literary Magazine Book of the Year Competition.

As the Viking age is brought to an end in 1066 with ignominious defeat at the battle of Stamford Bridge, a select band of Viking survivors decide to “go a viking” one last time. But where will their journey lead them?

Retracing a journey of their youth across the European steppe and down the mighty Dniepr River to Byzantium, a chance discovery in a Kiev library leads them to venture even further afield – to Astrakhan, across the Caspian sea, up the mighty Oxus river, through Parthia and Bactria and along the ancient Silk Route into Asia and Tianxia (China).

Inflicting heavy fatalities on the sinister and evil Black Scorpions in battle, pursued, they flee by night across the Roof of the World and meet the remnants of the “lost” European tribe of Asia, the Hepthalites, who offer them protection in their city, hidden deep within the Tien Shan – the Celestial Mountains.

Gathering more clues, they continue with their quest, on into the Taklamakan desert. The desert so called by locals because those who venture in seldom venture out.

Made up of Christians, Moslems and Jews, will this group’s battle with the malicious Black Scorpions mean their fundamental religious differences must be overcome and they must unify in order to overcome a common enemy.

What other dangers and perils lie in wait for this diverse crew as they travel along the world’s first Super-Highway? Will they find what they’re searching for or will their cultural differences tear them apart.

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