Jesus, Fill My Heart & Home Bible Study by Meredith Curtis
Jesus, Fill My Heart and Home is a Bible study on homemaking for God's glory.
Abiding in Jesus enables us to be filled with His Presence! When we are filled with His Presence, we can bring that lovely fragrance into our homes! If the cry of your heart is: "Jesus, fill my heart and home with Your Presence," then this Bible study is for you!
You will be encourage, challenged, and inspired to grow in your relationship with your Savior and King, Jesus. You will be equipped to bring His wonderful Presence into your home. There are also a few you need colored pencils for weeks four and five.
This Bible study is filled with gentle wisdom to make your home a joyful nurturing center and a refuge of peace. There are 12 lessons that cover topics such as interior decorating, de-cluttering, organizing, hospitality, holidays, and traditions; those things that help make a house a home. But the study starts where all homemaking should start...with Jesus. We have to abide in Him before we can bring His love and joy into our homes.
Learn to...
Decorate with Color
Fill Your Life with the Word of God
Create a Nurturing Environment in Your Home
Set Goals, Live by Priorities, Make Plans
Set a Proper Table
Have a Daily Quiet Time
Make Birthdays Special
Make Holidays Festive
Live by a Realistic Schedule
Train Kids to Help with Chores
Decorate with a Focal Point
Fill Your Life with Worship
Show Hospitality with Confidence
Organize Your Home
Use File Folders Productively
Get Rid of Clutter
Let's dig into the Word of God together as we learn to create a home that reflects our eternal home, Heaven.
Series: Ladies Bible Study
Author: Meredith Curtis
Publisher: Powerline Productions
E-book: 184 pages
Age/Grade: 16-100