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Lovely to Behold Bible Study E-book by Meredith Curtis

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Learn more about the priceless treasure of godly womanhood as you become more and more lovely to behold.

We live in a day in which society has blurred the defining lines of 'femininity' and 'womanhood'. Meredith Curtis has wonderfully captured these concepts form a Biblical perspective and brought them into clear focus. This tool will help women everywhere to navigate through the treacherous waters of what our culture values and to reclaim their waters of what our culture values, as well as reclaim their God-given call to radical, godly womanhood.

Do you want to fulfill the call on your life as a virtuous woman in God's Kingdom? Do you want to be beautiful inside and out? To enjoy friendship? Find a godly mate, celebrate marriage, and rule and reign in every season of life? Then, join us as we dig into Scripture to uncover timeless truths that will transform your life.

Understanding why God created women in the first place will answer some of the questions you have about being a lady. After delving into that general question, let's get specific: Why has God created you? Let's find out and go on to look at our relationships with God as our Father and His People as our family.
This Bible study is great for young Christians and seasoned saints. It is a fresh call to embrace God's plan and purpose for your life!

Each chapter in this Bible study covers truths that will transform your heart and life.

Here are the chapters:

Why God Created Women

Sin's Effect on the Creation of Women

The Glorious Gospel

Why God Created You, Uniquely You

Being a Royal Princess

Sisters in His Family

The Vine in the Old Testment

Abiding in Jesus I

Abiding in Jesus II

Abiding & Bearing Fruit

Healthy, Whole, & Strong

Inward Beauty

Outward Beauty

Ruth: A Beautiful Friend

Hannah: A Woman of Mercy, Grace, & Prayer

Rebekah, the Captivator

My Husband Jesus

Finding a Husband

A Cord of Three Strands is Not Easily Broken

Seasons in a Woman's Life

Series: Ladies Bible Study
Author: Meredith Curtis
Publisher: Powerline Productions
E-book: 272 pages
Age/Grade: 10-100

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