Commas, Colons, and Semi-Colons Punctuation Practice Pack for ELA Language Arts
This resource is perfect for students in grades 6 and up that are working on mastering their knowledge of punctuation rules and differentiating between when to properly use commas, colons, and semi-colons. This resource contains 100 sentences that are organized into a quiz format in sets of 20.
Subject: Punctuation rules - Commas, Colons, Semi-colons
Pages: 21 (100 questions and answers in sets of 20)
Difficulty: 6th grade and up
Concepts tested:
- Comma rules
- Colon rules
- Semi-colon rules
This worksheet is great extra practice for students who are working on mastering their understanding of punctuation rules and the differences of usage between commas, colons, and semi-colons.
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