Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer Template for Practicing Persuasive Writing
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Do you have a student that is struggling with developing their arguments in an essay? Want to help them refine their skills and ensure that they approach organizing their essays in a more methodical manner? This graphic organizer/persuasive writing template is a great resource to give students just starting to write these types of essays or for students that forget key points that they should include when crafting an argument.
This template is simple to use and includes suggestions and reminders to help remind students about what they need to include in their argumentative essays to make them stronger. The general template is for beginners (standard 5-6 paragraph design), but you can expand this as needed for larger essays by copying another sheet or copying the design of this template.
Subject: Argumentative Essays (Graphic Organizer)
Pages: 2
Difficulty: 5th grade and up
Concepts tested:
Persuasive writing skills
Organizing an argumentative essay
Developing convincing arguments
Providing appropriate evidence for essays
Addressing counter-arguments
This template is simple to use and includes suggestions and reminders to help remind students about what they need to include in their argumentative essays to make them stronger. The general template is for beginners (standard 5-6 paragraph design), but you can expand this as needed for larger essays by copying another sheet or copying the design of this template.
Subject: Argumentative Essays (Graphic Organizer)
Pages: 2
Difficulty: 5th grade and up
Concepts tested:
Persuasive writing skills
Organizing an argumentative essay
Developing convincing arguments
Providing appropriate evidence for essays
Addressing counter-arguments