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Narrative Essay/Story Graphic Organizer Template

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This resource is perfect for students in grades 5 and up who are beginning to learn how to craft narrative stories and essays. Students will find this worksheet useful for organizing their thoughts while writing a narrative story or as a template to pick apart the elements of the stories they read. Discuss the key elements and terms of a narrative story with your student(s), then give them this organizer to help them plan their essays or further understand the stories they read. This resource provides helpful explanations and suggestions to keep your student(s) on track while trying to organize this information.

Subject: Narrative Essays and Stories (Graphic Organizer)
Pages: 3
Difficulty: 5th grade and up
Concepts tested:

Organizing an narrative essay
Understanding narrative stories
Developing a clear beginning, middle, and end
Understanding key terms for narrative stories such as theme, setting, etc.
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