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Fatimah & Fuaad Part 2: Salaah

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Page Count: 250
Trim Size: 8.5” x 11”
Color: Full Color
Recommended for KG-5th Grade
(KG-2nd Grade as a read-along with an adult, 3rd-5th Grade for independent study.)


Continue the adventures with Fatimah and Fuaad (a sister and brother introduced in Fatimah & Fuaad Part 1) as they learn even more about Salaah, like the correct way to perform each position, what they should recite, and how to handle special situations. But that's not all! This time around, your child will also get to meet Fatimah's friend, Jameelah, balancing a bowl on her back to learn about Rukoo', Khaalah Haleema on her way to Umrah teaching the children about Q'asr and Jam' prayers, and Hajjah Asma teaching about Khooshoo' with cookies! 

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About the Perfecting the Pillars Series:

The Perfecting the Pillars teaches students about the first two pillars of Islaam, Shahaadah (witnessing to the oneness of Allah, including understanding His 99 names) and Salaah. 

The lessons in this series are based on short stories that make learning the facts of the topic more enjoyable. The stories feature young children that the student can identify with and take place in different countries (i.e., America, Saudi Arabia, Egypt) to give students a world view of Islaam.

The stories also feature different economic and social environments to allow students to see different family structures and situations (i.e., nuclear family, orphans, needy people, widows, and interracial families).

Book Features:

  • Qur’aan and Hadith references
  • Highlighted vocabulary
  • Review sections
  • Illustrations (no animals/humans)
  • Glossary of Arabic terms 

Books in the Series: 

  • Ibraheem & Imaan Part 1
  • Ibraheem & Imaan Part 2
  • Asmaa' Ul-Husnaa Coloring Book (A)
    (Names of Allah 1-40)

  • Khadijah & Khaalid Part 1
  • Khadijah & Khaalid Part 2
  • Asmaa' Ul-Husnaa Coloring Book (B)
    (Names of Allah 41-99)

  • Fatimah & Fuaad Part 1
  • Fatimah & Fuaad Part 2

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