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Ep. 3 - Can You Forgive When God Asks You?

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Forgiveness. It's one of the hardest, yet most freeing, acts of faith.

In "Can You Forgive When God Asks You To?" you'll discover a practical guide to walking out biblical forgiveness in your daily life. This companion workbook takes you deeper into the topics explored in Episode 3 of the podcast.

Click here to listen to Episode #3 on Spotify

Through reflective journaling prompts and scripture meditation, you'll unpack thorny questions like:

  • What does true forgiveness look like?
  • How can I forgive when emotions are high?
  • What blocks me from offering forgiveness?
  • How can I break free from bitterness?

More than a theoretical study, this workbook meets you in the day-to-day struggle to forgive others as God has forgiven you. You'll be equipped with spiritual practices and perspective shifts to extend grace in every relationship.

True freedom awaits when you choose forgiveness over bitterness. So, take the first step and grab this hope-filled resource today!

Length: 17 beautifully designed pages

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