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Ep. 7 - Idolatry: Are You Sleeping with The Enemy?

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This workbook is the companion guide to The Body Beautiful Christian Podcast Episode #7 titled: "Idolatry: Are you Sleeping with The Enemy?"

Click here to listen to Episode #7 on Spotify

Hey Beloved of God! Are you ready to dethrone the idols in your life and return to your first love? This inspirational 35-page workbook is the perfect companion for digging deep into my podcast episode "Idolatry: Are You Sleeping with the Enemy?"

Together we'll explore what idolatry looks like today and how even good things can become idols if we let them distract us from God. You'll be challenged to evaluate your priorities and identify any areas of misplaced devotion.

Each segment contains thought-provoking questions to help you align your heart with the Lord. You'll walk away with practical steps and spiritual disciplines to keep your gaze fixed on Jesus.

This easy-to-use workbook will lead you into greater intimacy with God as you root out idols and recommit to covenant faithfulness. It's time to clean house and make room for the Holy Spirit to move in new ways!

You are BEAUTIFUL to God, & you are His BELOVED...

Don't miss this opportunity to ignite your passion for Christ and prepare your heart for His return. Get the companion workbook today and devote yourself fully to the only One who is worthy!

Length: 35 pages

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