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Ep. 1 - What Are You Eating?

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This workbook is the companion guide to The Body Beautiful Christian Podcast Episode #1 "What are you eating, and from whose table?”

Click here to listen to Episode #1 on Spotify

Hi Beloved of God! As we navigate through this spiritual journey, we examine two distinct tables – the Lord's and Jezebel's. Join us as we uncover the telltale signs that reveal whether we're feasting at the Lord's table, nourishing our souls with the fruit of the spirit, divine wisdom, and wholeness, or succumbing to the temptations of Jezebel's table, laden with sinful desires which can lead us astray.

This eye-opening teaching will equip you with the tools you need to discern the source of your spiritual sustenance and guide you toward a more fulfilling and righteous path. Listen to this transformative episode that will leave you reflecting on the true essence of your spiritual diet. Let’s jump in!

Length: 14 beautiful pages

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