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Ep. 9 - The Dangers of Seeking Creation Over the Creator

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Discover True Wisdom and Power by Seeking the Creator Over Creation (Podcast Workbook)

Click here to listen to Episode #9 on Spotify

Do you feel bound by the lures and lies of this world? Does your spirit yearn for something deeper? If so, this powerful workbook is for you.

Based on our popular podcast episode "The Dangers of Seeking Creation Over the Creator," this exclusive resource will anchor you in timeless spiritual truths. You'll unpack the perils of idolatry, rebellion, and counterfeit wisdom that promise freedom but only lead to destruction.

Experience lasting fulfillment by seeking the Creator over all creation. Invest in this exclusive workbook today and anchor your soul in the only One worthy of your worship and trust.

God desires your whole devotion - let's journey together and discover how to love and worship Him above all else!

Length: 27 beautifully designed pages

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