The increasing waves of immigration across European countries post-2012 highlighted a concerning trend. As the Eurobarometer surveys revealed, xenophobia was on the rise. The fabric of European unity was being strained, with ethnic minorities and migrants facing increasing harassment and discrimination.
Amidst this challenging backdrop, educators noticed a particular group that was being impacted: high school students. These young minds, on the brink of forming their worldviews, were at a crossroads. They had friends from different religions and beliefs, as the survey highlighted, but they were also growing up in an environment where prejudice was increasing.
Understanding the urgent need to address this, a group of educators, theater enthusiasts, and digital innovators came together. They realized that to combat xenophobia, they needed to strike at its roots: the lack of understanding and empathy. Thus, the idea of using forum theatres was born—a medium powerful enough to challenge entrenched attitudes and foster empathy by placing students in others' shoes.
But they also understood that in today's digital age, traditional methods alone wouldn't suffice. To reinforce the lessons from the forum theatres and to provide accessible and efficient learning, they incorporated the concept of microlearning. This would ensure that the principles of empathy, cultural diversity, and respect were not just one-off lessons but ingrained in students' minds.
The course, therefore, is not just a set of lessons. It's a mission—a mission to transform the mindset of a generation, ensuring they grow up understanding, respecting, and valuing the diverse tapestry of cultures that make up Europe. Through this course, students and teachers alike are equipped with tools, techniques, and knowledge to bridge the divides, fostering a future where understanding trumps prejudice, and unity overshadows division.