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The Motivation Companion - 77 Ways To Get Motivation To Reach Your Goals

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You know the feeling when you just don't have any motivation to do anything?

Even the most motivated person can get unmotivated to do things.

Even thinking about making changes to our life seems difficult.

If you want to move forward with your projects. You want to lose that weight you've always wanted to lose. You want to eat healthier. In essence, you want to do what you've always wanted to, but just don't have that motivation to get it going.

Take this scenario - you make a New Year's resolution, a couple of months down the track you realize you haven't done anything towards your resolution. This is a common problem.

Yes, I know, it seems impossible to be motivated at times.

The feeling is like you don't feel like doing anything at all.

I've been in that situation, and in fact, I still feel that way at times. So you're not alone.

Remember those times when you had peak moments when you were unstoppable and nothing could get in your way?

How would you like to feel that way all the time?

I've written this book where I share 77 different ways to get and stay motivated, so you can get out of those slumps and get things moving forward.

Inside this special report you'll discover:
  • The most important key to staying motivated at all times. Miss this and you're doomed to fail.
  • The one thing that's standing in your way to reaching your goals, and how to overcome it.
  • A clever little way to stay focused on your goals and improve your life.
  • Learn how to feel better about yourself and reinforce your achievement of additional objectives.
  • How to move on to the right direction instead of getting carried away from other things that aren't important to you.
  • How to use the power of less and small, and how it can help you achieve your goals quicker.
  • A dead-easy way to stay motivated, even when you're at your lowest level.
  • Why exercise and eating the right foods affect your energy levels, and what you can do about it so you'll always be motivated.
  • How to get motivated simply by planning your morning.
  • How to find out when you work best.
  • The power of rewarding yourself and how it will keep you motivated.
  • How to get more done by doing less. As silly as it sounds, it works. You'll discover how to use it.
  • How to create a "personal slogan" to stay motivated. This may sound clichéd by it works.
  • How to make yourself accountable.
  • + much, much more!
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