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Mind Of Christ

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Mind of Christ is an abridged, illustrated, and easy-to-read summary of Mr. Simon Wafubwa's teaching on the subject.

He exposes satan's ploy aimed at searing your mind through depression and other forms of mental illness (God's Patent);

Using several Biblical examples, he delves into the value accrued by having the capacity to have and interpret dreams (DNA Of The Mind of Christ);

Reveals the correlation between Christ's crown of thorns and the Helmet of Salvation (The Helmet of Salvation) and

Reiterates how with the Mind of Christ, you will only listen to one voice - the Voice of God, and not other voices and the benefits that come with that (One Voice). 

eBook's Features

🎨 Stunning artwork

🔗 Links to relevant Bible verses

📖 Length: 23 pages

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