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My Everything, Book 6 of The Alpha God

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Holy Kal! Now what?

Kal loses the Spirit of Kalatas and returns to her former self as Sumner. Not only does Sumner confront old memories, but also vulnerability, risk, as well as a rare opportunity to truly be herself with Charlie.

The dangers of outer space weigh on Charlie, who will protect her mate on their mission to secure an alliance with Serrato Corps. Without the Spirit of Kalatas between them, Charlie finds she’s falling deeper for Sumner and slipping back into her selfish need to keep Sumner all to herself.

Will Sumner and Charlie’s mission off world succeed, or is this the break the Sworne needed to capture Kander with Kal gone? Hearts, callings, and passions will be tested by the Celestial Fates.


Check out the full book series.

Customer Reviews


1 year ago

Lexa is Queen of the Cliffhangers!!

I really enjoyed the interactions and bonding between Charlie, Kal, Raine, and Andren. It was precious to experience Sumner and Charlie together without the added weight of Kal. Not that I don’t love Kal, but Sumner was freer with her feelings. I loved that Kalatas is a young god still willing to learn. Becuase of this, Kalatas came to the realization that it was better to have Kal keep all of Sumners memories, especially the sweet ones Sumner and Charlie created together on their trip.
That ending though!!
I truly can’t get enough of this series. I devour each new book. The cliffhangers always get me desperate for the next book. I’m in love with all the amazing characters. Kal, Charlie, Raine, Andren, Kaden, and Dorlon take up a special place in my heart.