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Protect Your Family

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The law of attraction will bring you experiences that match your thought patterns and feelings. This can be problematic if your dominant thought patterns are worrying about your family's financial hardship or safety. Positive affirmations can counteract these low vibrational thought patterns by changing the way you to think.

'Protect Your Family' is a subliminal programming album that reprograms your subconscious mind to strengthen family bonds and fortunes. Affirmations are played at a subliminal frequency, which means you won’t be able to hear them. They pass directly to your subconscious mind and over time, install new belief systems that raise the vibrational frequency around your loved ones, allowing them to bloom and blossom in to the very best version of themselves. Bonus material is added in the form of audible affirmations and pure tone frequencies. 

Note: this album does not contain any malicious 'return to sender' affirmations; rather it strengthens the connection of your family, speaks life into every member of your family and surrounds them with abundance.

How To Use:

The best time to play subliminal affirmations is just before you go to sleep, or as soon as you wake up (during theta state). During theta brainwave state, your subconscious mind is more effective at downloading information. Play for at least 30 minutes prior to sleep and 30 minutes after waking up, for approximately six weeks. For best results, play while you sleep. Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious mind remains active during sleep and absorbs information.

Bonus Material:

Pure tone tracks are included in this album. A pure tone is an audible tone that consists of only a single frequency; there are no overtones. The album includes pure tone 221.23 Hz, which is the frequency of Venus. Pure tone tracks do not include subliminal affirmations and can be listened to without headphones.

The album includes the following tracks:

  • 30 minutes ambient rain + subliminal affirmations
  • 30 minutes ambient lava sounds + subliminal affirmations
  • 30 minutes running water sounds + subliminal affirmations
  • x3 ambient piano music + subliminal affirmations (39 minutes total)
  • x4 15 minutes audible affirmations (spoken by either British female, British male, American female, or American male)
  • x4 15 minutes subliminal affirmations (spoken by either British female, British male, American female, or American male)
  • 15 minutes pure tone 221.23 Hz

Affirmations in audible and subliminal tracks are exactly the same (you cannot hear the subliminal affirmations). Affirmations are provided in an aesthetic pdf document, which can be framed. Album includes over 4 hours of tracks. All programs are in mp3 format. All products on this page are for personal use only.

You will get the following files:
  • ZIP (287MB)
  • PDF (10MB)