something new to say – eBooks (PDF, EPub, Mobi)
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something new to say: words of spirit, faith and celebration for Advent and Christmas
by bronwyn angela white
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The ISBNs are: PDF 9781991027382; ePub/Kindle/Mobi 9781991027399
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Something new to say is a collection of liturgy resources for the season of Advent and Christmas.
Author Bronwyn White lives in Aotearoa New Zealand, where Christmas comes at summertime.
This collection celebrates a festive season where pohutukawa and rata are in bloom, friends gather around barbecues or picnic at the beach on Christmas Day, and many people travel to catch up with family or enjoy school holidays.
The prayers, affirmations, reflections, and blessings are in inclusive language, with an emphasis on "faith not belief" and social justice. This book is ideal for progressive and liberal faith communities and churches.
Lay and ordained worship leaders will find them especially helpful, and there's plenty for individual contemplation and enjoyment too.
About the words
Everything in this book—including the poetry—was written to be read, presented or performed aloud.
Several pieces were written as litanies, with ‘the leader’ beginning each section and ‘the people’ responding with the lines in italics.
On the page, some of the liturgical works will seem repetitive. In you who delight me, I grouped items with similar themes or formats to show how simply a basic outline or idea can be varied for different situations.
In this book, I’ve grouped writing by type—prayers, reflections, blessings etc—and especially with the prayers you might like to pick and mix paragraphs to create a different form or format for your occasion.
When the ideas are fresh, you can use a familiar form to introduce inclusive, liberal and theologically progressive concepts to a more conservative audience.
I hope these resources will be enjoyed and shared by anyone who sees the sacred in the everyday.
Reviewers comments
“Bronwyn’s words are more powerful and real than a thousand theological treatises on incarnation.” Rev Dr Margaret Mayman
- About the words
- A world safe for a new born baby
- Emergency responders & peace-keepers
- Entertaining angels
- In this season of Advent and wonder
- Let us be the gift we long for
- Love born in us this day
- Red tape, red ribbon
- Refugee child
- Signs of home
- We wait in the silence of this whare kōwhanga
- Spring to summer
- Suddenly there is light all around
- We ask—and answer
- Wonder of life-stories told afresh
- You who delight me
- Affirmation of faith for Advent
- Come, let us walk the road
- Star—Light—Word
- Word made flesh in a baby
- Word reborn—embodied
- We crouch with Mary on the straw
- Angel messages
- But where are the others?
- Doors wide open
- Gifts for a baptism
- Holy Families—outrageous possibilities
- I have to differ
- Kissing the face of God
- Mary full of grace—Anna’s story
- Mary to Elizabeth
- Celestial brightness
- Christmas Blessing
- Courage of a teenage Mary
- Hope, joy, love of Christmas
- Blessing of Water and Spirit
- Definition of te reo Māori words
- References
Thanks again
Praise for “you who delight me”
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