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In-person Satsang Sunday 7th May 2023 "Let go of non-self and go towards Self"

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In-person Satsang Recording 7th May 2023 "Let go of non-self and go towards Self"

You will receive a copy of both the video & audio files for this Satsang meeting (MP4 video + M4A Audio format) 2 hours 14 minutes

Tom gives a guided self-enquiry practice.

Within a single practice session, we can let go of body, mind and world and go towards the "I am", we can let go of non-self and turn towards that which never changes. If the mind gets noisy then we go back to allowance of everything as it is.

Some other topics discussed are:

  • Why does the mind sometimes fall asleep when we try to be still?
  • Spiritual weariness
  • The paths/practices of self-surrender and self-enquiry

You will get a ZIP (702MB) file