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Why No More Kundalini Yoga?

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An unimaginable resolution considering that at one time I believed that I would be teaching and sharing the practise of kundalini yoga until the day I die.

However, sometimes life has other plans and things change, we change, and we get to experience that change is the only constant on this journey we call life.

My 180 degree u-turn when it comes to kundalini yoga did not happen as a response to the Premka book and the follow up revelations about Yogi Bhajan, those only brought further confirmations.

It happened gradually over the years and I managed to cut the cord around 2017 finally, giving myself permission to no longer teach kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Recently, the Vice documentary: The Dark Empire Of Yogi Bhajan and a great podcast called The Umcomfortable Conversations podcasts, sharing the stories of those courageous hearts who managed to walk away, have touched me deeply and brought up further realizations urging me to share my position on the subject.
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