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The Art of Marketing & Promotion - How Sun Tzu can Improve Your Business Success (PDF)

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Information Resource for Business Programs Development!

This is how Sun Tzu would help you develop and implement promotional & marketing programs! Apply the philosophy of war to expanding your business!

2,500 years ago, a Chinese general, Sun Tzu, wrote a treatise titled “The Art of War”. It summarized his lifetime experiences of what was important about warfare and battlefield management.

Your success (and even survival) in the business world depends upon effective research, preparation, planning, thinking, and execution of your promotion programs. Inside are the secrets of business success.

Gain new insights into how to:

- Win against larger, better-funded competitors

- Design useful marketing strategies that work

- Create effective messages that get results

- Design material specifically for target audiences

- Aggressively improve customer attitudes

Make sure you have a pencil and notepad as you read through this book. There will be much re-evaluation of bedrock doctrine. Many current beliefs are actually ill-considered dogma. You need to document the many tactical ideas and concepts this book will inspire your business mindset.

Also available in Print (Amazon).

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