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The Meaning of Life

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Surely, my friend, you are not completely unfamiliar with those moments when – for no apparent reason – you are suddenly struck, even whilst you are in the midst of a crowd, with a strange sensation of boundless strangeness towards the world around you which at the same time an arousal of a nameless longing which often continued to affect you for hours. – 
If you seek to recall this longing, you will describe it in these terms to me: 
“It was a longing for the suspected, incomprehensibly far away homeland of my soul!”
“It was longing for union with shining beings who could feel and understand my innermost!” 
“It may well have been – the yearning for an unknown exalted happiness, which seemed strangely familiar to me!” 
Perhaps you were astonished by your experience, for you were unable to explain what could be its cause… 
Its cause could not be found in the moments that you found yourself entangled in the outside world.
However, you dared not proceed further, since you had no desire to end up in superstition. – 
Thus you described your experience as: ‘a strange mood’; – and your thoughts became tired of seeking for an explanation. 
And yet there were truly reasons to seek the cause of such a special experience; had you wanted to seek further, you would have finally found that your feelings had come about from unconscious contact with a for you invisible world. – – – 
You had experienced nothing other than a genuine manifestation of the world of light in the midst of your earthly existence. Suddenly everything familiar here seemed very ‘strange’ to you, for you were momentarily covered with light from that realm of light which is the true homeland of your soul. – – – 
Thus the longing you experienced was bound to affect you, since you unconsciously felt, in the contact you had with both worlds, that the outer world of this earth is, if familiar, merely a ‘stranger’ to you. – – – 
I counsel you to pay heed to these moments in future and accept gratefully what they bring you! 
Such moments hold wondrous power within them and can exert great influence upon your life!
Something most essential in your being may change within you, if you willingly turn towards their wonders! – 
And if you pay heed to these moments, you will soon see that they recur at quite specific intervals! – 
You will, however, also observe that these intervals become shorter and shorter the higher you value that, which contact with both worlds bestows upon you! – –


Contents in English

The appeal
The sin of the fathers
The supreme good
The ‘evil’ man
Revelation of the world of light
The meaning of silence
Truth and truths

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