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Is Spirituality Part Of The Deception? | Part 4

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In this part 4, we keep on exploring and questioning if religion & spirituality could also be part of the deception?

Often those who escaped the dogmas of religion thought they had found the answer in spirituality.

Both certainly offer some respite and comfort to begin with, one seem to feel better at first, and wants to keep on feeling better and better, or get more of whatever their chosen path seem to bless them with... or often as one pursue on the path, the anticipation of what they have been told they will receive.

If they love, serve and obey enough or as much as instructed their blessings will finally be granted... they just need to be more patient... and apply themselves more, be more committed to the teachings, the path, the service or the charismatic figure, god or deeity heading that particular religion, tradition or spiritual path.

Here are some questions for reflections on devotion
  • What are you being devoted to?
  • Where does your devotion go to?
  • Who are you being devoted to?
  • And why?
  • What are you hoping to get being so devoted?

Is it wise to devote so much time to serving some deeity you have been told will save you and protect you?  

Yet not have enough time to cook yourself a descent meal.  How does that make sense? Or not have time to keep your space clean or not have enough time to sleep because you must be up super early to give devotion or your day will be messed up ect...

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in waking up early and starting your day with yourself, on the contrary, but you want to do it in a way that is really serving you and not just the system you are committed to.

Your commitment and your loyalty need to start with yourself and within yourself.

Could we have been so deceived that each time we pray, chant or meditate using some god's name whatever it may be, whichever religion or tradition it may come from, we are evacuating ourselves and giving our energy, prana, time, power away?

I personally and strongly suspect that this is sadly the case.  Intuitively, personal observations and research tell me that it is the same entity/vampirising energy behind all the many godly names given and thus how our life force, our energy is being harvested constantly, keeping us enslaved and in bondage for over two thousand years.

This connects perfectly with the research on free energy technology and the ancient world architecture of pyramids, churches, temples and of the now official governements buildings found all around the world, but which our humanity has been unable to replicate, letting modern architecture often cold and rigid be the alternative.

All the more reasons, to really understand how energy works and focus on stopping to donate your energy so easily.

When you stop giving your real power away, i.e your prana, your time, your energy, your attention which is your devotion - you then have enough to focus on serving you here and now, your needs, your wants, your life, your family, your local community, and that in a very real and practical way.

Time is our most precious commodity, just meditate on what you do with yours.  It is all about inner-management and time management.

  • What do you do with your time?  
  • Where do you spend your time?
  • How do you spend your time?
  • Who has your time?
  • And Why?

Real fulfillment or real satisfaction are felt in the moment through your feelings and your actions not from waiting for some future possible compensation for your devotion... that can only bring more frustration and evacuation.

Think about it... think for yourself... critical thinking is a super power which can save your life right now.
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