Structural DE-Compression & Postural Balancing
In Structural Balancing (for short), our Primary Objective is to figure out which are the most "locked short" muscles, the Primary Contractors. These muscles usually have the most amount of nerve tonus keeping them contracted or "tight." They are also most likely to be causing the most problems, such as pulling us DOWN and OVER, collapsing us into the field of gravity.
One of our "Jobs" is to help people discover that Gravity is NOT the Enemy. ...
It is how WE RELATE to Gravity that is the REAL Problem.
We Can Learn to RELEASE the Natural Forces Built In at Birth!
The over-lengthened muscles, the Secondary Contractors, are ALSO tight, sometimes TIGHTER than the Primary Contractors, because they are often working harder to keep the body from collapsing into gravity! They are stabilizing us against the downward pull of gravity and our very own locked-short muscles!
In the Above Illustration, the muscles on the Client's Right (your left in GRAY) are the Primary Contractors, the over-short muscles. The muscles on the Client's Left (your right in RED) are the Secondary Contractors.
Our job is to use our Tension Release Techniques to facilitate the sensory recovery, the Relaxation & Lengthening of those musculo-fascial units. Neurologically, this is done by reduction of nerve tonus flowing to the muscle from the CNS & Brain.
My 2-Year Path to Become a Structural Bodyworker!
The Medical & Physical SCIENCES of DSL EdgeWork are right out of Orthodox Medical Research. Yes, they are very NOT trustworthy when it comes to diagnosing & treating many of the modern "Lifestyle Diseases" that do NOT respond well AT ALL to drugs, surgery, radiation, and other such invasive, non-natural modalities in so-called "Modern" Medicine.
They don't treat "Tight Muscles" very well, if at all, either!
Yet Thankfully, increasing numbers of Orthodox Doctors are Seeing The Light, and getting on board with more Whole Health or Alternative approaches to various modalities of Medicine & Therapy.
Their studies, however, of human anatomy, kinesiology, physiology & neurology of how the Human BodyMind & Structure is constructed, functions, & operates, is quite impressive. We can gain a lot of VERY useful knowledge from studying certain aspects of their sciences.
Ironically, it is the part of their science they ignore, or rather don't look at closely the way WE do, giving us the better insights providing us superior Evaluation & Treatment abilities of musculo-fascial units. And as I've been saying for a few years now ...
Knowing HOW It Works, Tells You HOW To Work It!
As Joel Kramer, my Primary Yoga Teacher and a Great Psycho-Philosopher often said, the Answer to most Problems is CONTAINED WITHIN the Problem! You just have to know Where & HOW to LOOK!
That, BTW, is an aspect of Meditative Awareness, where you just look at "What Is" with a quiet, yet actively open mind, rather than having a "busy" mind trying to "figure it out." A Passive Mind doesn't do it, either. ... If you just look with clear eyes & a quiet mind, the answer will very often come OUT to YOU. ... Because it is in there anyway.
As My Dad used to say about Structural Ironworking, the STEEL will TELL you what it NEEDS! The STEEL will "talk" to you, just NOT in YOUR language!
(Yes, us iron-workers worked with steel, which was made with iron ore!)
And since most of the problems WE as therapists deal with have to do with the Musculo-Skeletal, Neuro-Muscular, & Myo-Fascial STRUCTURE of the BodyMind, we of course have to look deeply into the Structure of said BodyMind.
That's an area my DAD (John A. Lynn) was very helpful to me. From an early age, he took me out to the steel construction job sites with him, where, among other things, I learned how to WORK!
He raised me up to be a Foreman, so as a Structural Steel Ironworker, he taught me how to "plumb up" the Steel Buildings to make them Stand UP Straight & NOT fall down! In those buildings, there were vertical columns & horizontal beams that were somewhat similar to the bones of the human body. ... We also had VERY strong but somewhat flexible "plumb cables" we used to pull the steel buildings "straight & square" till it got all bolted & welded up and very rigid & stable. Those cables were very similar to the muscles, fascia & tendons of the body, as well.
SO ... I learned how to be a Structural Steel Ironworker, in part "plumbing up" buildings for a living. Later, after a few years as a Yoga Teacher, I became a Bodyworker, then I got into Structural Bodywork. I believe working the steel earlier in my life put me way ahead in being able to "plumb up" a human "stack of bones"!
It Taught me How to SEE!
I should say, though, that oe of the big Leo I learned from him, I was only 13 years old. We were at a job sight and Dad got into a "discussion," a "polite argument," with an architect and an engineer. They were trying to convince him to do something to a steel structure, and he said it would not work.
It only took ME a short time to see DAD was RIGHT (as usual) and THEY were wrong. THAT DAY I was cured of any potential tendency to NECESSARILY believe in what people were saying if I thought there was a problem with it, not even if they had official degrees & licenses!
I was early on removed from believing in being a subordinate to the Authoritarian Paradigm.
In DSL Edgework, we Mindfully LEARN to SEE for OURSELVES what's really in front of us, THEN we can SEE & Think Structurally.
When we can Think Structurally, we can do the BIO-Detective Work necessary to figure out the Primary Keys (Contractors) in our Client's neuro-musculo-fascial, soft tissue issues!