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5 Case Histories of Abusive Dishonesty Corrupting Official Catholic Teaching + 3 Case Histories of Correcting Past Errors


MY ANGEL OF GOD: Chronicles of her fierce compassion and grace-filled healing love


SEVEN ERRORS OF OUR CATHOLIC BISHOPS: Why our Bishops Lost their Bearings after Vatican II and How our Church Can Get Back on Track with Your Help and the Help of Pope Francis


The Forgiveness of Sins without the Crucifixion of Jesus


SENSE AND NONSENSE OF PIUS IX: The History, Meaning, and Triumph of Moderate Interpretations of Papal Infallibility


Eve as the Pioneer of Adam’s Salvation


WHAT JESUS WOULD SAY TO SAME-SEX COUPLES (2019 revision): Nonviolent Resistance to the Christian Taliban


Kevin Kukla's Klaptrap -- Catholic Teaching on Sexuality Gone Beserk
