About Me
My name is Isaac ‘Shrek’ Daly and along with the Noob Spearo team, we create a spearfishing podcast that’s making a difference.
The Noob Spearo Podcast is a show for anyone interested in the extremely cool (and challenging) pursuit of spearfishing. Basically spearfishing is holding your breath, diving down and trying to outwit tasty fish to feed your family.
Spearfishing has a tough learning curve.
Things like equipment, learning to hold and improve your breath-hold, equalizing, finding people and places to go, hunting techniques, etiquette, ethics, safety, first aid and overcoming fear of dark/dirty water are just a handful of them.
On the show we make an effort to chase down and interview spearfishing experts and authorities from around the world who share their stories, insights and wisdom to help our listeners become better spearos.
These interviews (200+) are available for free on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Castbox | Stitcher | Podbean - pretty much wherever you listen to podcasts
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For any enquiries or questions, email me shrek@noobspearo.com
Help us to grow a better informed, safer, rocking spearfishing community!