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Updating Planetary Consciousness ebook

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Updating Planetary Consciousness ebook

Radical new wisdom for personal and global change.

Kindle and ebook reader versions.

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Guided Meditations for Heart Awakening

Start in Your Heart attunement

Start in Your Heart

This guided attunement is a short 6-minute practice to take you into your heart and develop your heart consciousness.

Deep Heart Attunement

Deep Heart Attunement

Go deeper into your heart for your wellbeing, take time to contemplate and heal, and bring heart consciousness to your daily journey.

Earth Healing Meditation

A guided meditation to take you (and your friends) into the flow of living, loving light from Maitreya, Master of Love, to heal and nourish our living Earth.

Guided Meditations for Cleansing & Clearing

Flame Meditation

Flame meditation

Guiding you through 8 flames of light, experience revitalisation, clearing and balancing of your inner being. A great daily cleansing.

Heart Flames

A guided meditation taking you into the 3-fold flame of your heart, to strengthen their qualities in your being with hope, purpose and love.

Guided Deep Healing Meditations

Hope Healing

Hope Guided Healing

Immerse in the living light of hope, to uplift, heal and nourish your wellbeing from deep within.

Yasodhara's Embrace meditation

Yasodhara's Healing Embrace

Enter the healing embrace of the great female Buddha Yasodhara, and let her golden love nourish you.

Renewal Guided Healing

Renewal Guided Healing

Immerse in the living light of renewal, to revitalise your cells and inner self.