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Cardboard Sculpture BUNDLE with 3 PowerPoints, a PDF Lesson Plan, Rubric and a Poster


Creative Paper Mask: Additive & Subtractive Paper Sculpture Techniques (PowerPoint)


Paper Sculpture Ideas PowerPoint with Techniques Poster


Paper Sculpture Bundle with 2 PowerPoints & a Techniques Poster


Foam-Core Sculpture Challenge - PowerPoint


10 Watercolor Techniques - POWERPOINT


30+ Watercolor Techniques POWERPOINT


A-Z Creative Strategies PowerPoint and Strategies Handout


FREE Exploring Careers in Art Lesson Plan Guide (PowerPoint & PDF)


Botero Artist Study and POWERPOINT


Haring Powepoint and Artist Study


O'Keeffe PowerPoints & Artist Study


Thiebaud Famous Artist Study & POWERPOINT


Found Object Sculptures POWERPOINT


White with White Paper Sculpture POWERPOINT and Planning Sheet
