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Holistic Wellness Coaching

Matthew 6:33

Blog Posts

Learning to Let Go
I always thought there was some trick to switching my mind and finally releasing control, but the truth I have found to be most healing is ✨vulnerability✨ with the addition of faith and focusing on things that feel nice.I still have moments of trying...
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How to Start Practicing Self Love
Happy February lovelies! I know that talking about love during February is kind of cliche and cheesy, but what the heck! It is the month of love, and although every month should arguably be about love, this is the month that Hallmark tells us is abou...
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Guide to Hormonal Bloating
Regardless of where you are in life, bloat is never fun. And it’s a sign that something is off in the body. There are several reasons that bloating occurs, but I’m just going to focus on hormonal bloating. First things first, your uterus expands when...
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Estrogen Balancing + What to Eat
I just started my period and had the worst headache, lights cramps, breast tenderness, fatigue, and slight nausea (from the headache). I painfully wondered what was happening, surely I had been avoiding sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, so why was I expe...
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What to Drink During Your Menstrual Phase
Odds are if you struggle with pms, it could have to do with drinking caffeine during the luteal and menstrual phase. The reason this happens is because our cortisol spikes during the luteal phase and caffeine increases it even further. High levels of...
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Cycle Syncing 101
Cycle Syncing can seem daunting from afar, but I promise once you get the hang of it, it will become an easy part of your life, a routine if you will. A couple things to start... What is cycle syncing and why do it?My way of explaining it is, alignin...
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How Gardening Molds Your Mind
In a world that is filled with instant gratification, society has become attached to the idea that we are supposed to find instant relief. Last night as I sat in the dark, before bed, watching Rob Dial Jr on Lewis Howes podcast, it occurred to me tha...
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Where My Journey Began
Happy Thursday and first blog post!For my first post, I thought I would expand on what I do and where it comes from. An opportunity for anyone reading to get a better understanding of why I coach on hormonal health, and how I got to this point with m...
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Hi, I'm Sophie!

I guide individuals on their wellness journeys by integrating faith-based holistic practices. My mission is to nourish mind, body, and spirit, helping each person achieve their goals while embracing holistic healing. Together, we foster a deep connection to faith, self-awareness, and self control, empowering you to live a fulfilling and balanced life.