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Using A Smart Device in Speech & Language Therapy? Hmmm.
A couple of questions......What do you see when you look at a smart device like the Amazon Echo Dot? Do you see a device to just play music? A device to just wake you up in the morning? A device to just tell you the date and time? If you follow me on...
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5 Must Take CEU courses for SLPs on MedBridge Education
The year is halfway over (*insert gasp) which means it's time to be thinking about how many more CEUs you need before 2022 comes to a close. I have partnered with Medbridge Education this year and I must say that I have been extremely pleased wi...
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"WTF is Speech Language Pathology?": Frequently Asked Questions about Being and Becoming a SLP
Speech Language Pathology…. What is it, REALLY?50-70% of the time when someone asks me what I do for a living, my reply is met with a blank stare. For many years, Speech Language Pathology hasn’t been a well-known field, particularly in the Black com...
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4 FUNctional Word Finding Tasks
“What do you call this? --- BallWhat’s this ?-- DogWhat do you use these (scissors) for? ---- To cut”Boooorrrrrring!Your therapy session, especially if with a patient with mild or mild-moderate word finding deficits, does NOT have to go like this. As...
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Why We Need More Black SLPs (and more Black Allied Health Professionals, in general)
In 2019, Black individuals comprised 12.1% of the US health care workforce. It's difficult to find more specific data on the allied health professions specifically, but given that only 3 % of Speech Language Pathologists are Black--- it's s...
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SOAP Notes... How Do I Improve Mine?
We know what a SOAP note is. We've been writing them since grad school (maybe even undergrad) but how are yours measuring up? Have you been accurately capturing what occurred in your treatment sessions? Or have you been copying and pasting your way t...
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Different Ways to Monitor Progress in Therapy
It is easy to think a patient is not making progress because they haven't reached your beloved "80% accuracy" therapy goal. However, I encourage you not to sabotage your treatment plan or underestimate the qualitative gains your patient could have ma...
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Using Audio books with TBI Patients: Things to Consider
Last year, some of my patients with TBI, who had previously enjoyed reading (sometimes reading up to 3-5 books per month), told me that reading had become more difficult and less enjoyable after their TBI. After a lengthy literature review search on ...
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