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Python Book 1 - Python Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners | Mastering

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 What is Python and why learn it?

1.2 How to install Python and set up the environment?

1.3 How to run Python code and use the interactive shell?

1.4 How to write, save, and execute Python scripts?

1.5 How to get help and documentation in Python?

2. Basic Data Types and Operators

2.1 Numbers and arithmetic operations

2.2 Strings and string operations

2.3 Booleans and logical operators

2.4 Variables and assignment statements

2.5 Type conversion and type checking

3. Control Flow and Loops

3.1 Conditional statements and indentation

3.2 The if-elif-else statement

3.3 The while loop and the break and continue statements

3.4 The for loop and the range function

3.5 The pass statement and the else clause

4. Functions and Modules

4.1 Defining and calling functions

4.2 Parameters and arguments

4.3 Return values and the None value

4.4 Scope and global variables

4.5 Importing and using modules

5. Data Structures and Algorithms

5.1 Lists and list operations

5.2 Tuples and tuple operations

5.3 Dictionaries and dictionary operations

5.4 Sets and set operations

5.5 Sorting and searching algorithms

6. Object-Oriented Programming

6.1 Classes and objects

6.2 Attributes and methods

6.3 Constructors and destructors

6.4 Inheritance and polymorphism

6.5 Encapsulation and abstraction

7. Exceptions and Error Handling

7.1 What are exceptions and how to raise them?

7.2 The try-except-finally statement

7.3 The assert statement and the AssertionError exception

7.4 The raise statement and the Exception class

7.5 How to handle common errors and debug Python code?

8. File Input and Output

8.1 How to open and close files in Python?

8.2 How to read and write text files in Python?

8.3 How to read and write binary files in Python?

8.4 How to use the with statement and the file object?

8.5 How to handle file-related errors and exceptions in Python?

9. Python Standard Library and Packages

9.1 What is the Python standard library and how to use it?

9.2 How to use some of the most useful modules in the standard library?

9.3 What are packages and how to install them?

9.4 How to use some of the most popular packages in Python?

9.5 How to create and distribute your own packages in Python?

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